We continued to think about the places, movies, hobbies, etc. that shaped our lives taking photos searched on the internet. Middle school is when I experienced much more freedom. I got to decide what I wanted to do myself instead of having my parent's decide for me. While I did continue to play piano, I found my passion to be for art and sports, mainly cross country with the running gags team and basketball. Being on a team I made closer friends and bonds, relying less on my parents. I was also allowed to take the bus with friends and explore parts of the city I was unfamiliar with. This was the time when I figured how much art and fashion means to me. I took my art classes much more seriously and worked hard to create and improve. These were my fun light-hearted years where I had no worries about my future, this is expressed in my trip to Mexico. I have the fondest memories of me being completely free and naive almost.