Thursday, May 19, 2011

David Plowdon

In this photograph, the rule of thirds is used perfectly to show large scale. The clouds really complete the fullness and I like the repetition of the trains.

Large Scale Rule of Thirds

This series I focused on large scales, using landscapes to show the rule of thirds. The sky and the buildings make a divide and one is always cropper shorter. The first one is especially dynamic because of the electric lines. In the second one the frame is measured to the rule of thirds, where the sky takes up 2/3 and the buildings 1/3 and the last one vice versa. I wanted to flip the roles of the skys and buildings.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Rule of Thirds

For this series we tried to focus our model or object at the 1/3 marked on the frame using the "tic-tac-toe" lines as an outline. We also tried to have minimal background to emphasize the composition of the object. In my last photograph I covered part of the camera with my hand to create negative space. We also used black and white the entire series. With this specific ink series, I tried to make the photographs look crisp while stilling retaining this flow. The contrast of the white background with the black texture blends well surprisingly and also increases the minimalistic look.

Rule of Thirds

This is an additional series continuing the rule of thirds concept, but using people as my models. In my first post I used mixed subjects. The white background helped create the very minimal look, as did having the models look expressionless or facing away. I tried to capture a very elegant pose, while using the rule of thirds concept placing them to one side. The last one was most successful because only part of her body is showing at a corner, so there is 2/3's space around where as my two previous ones have the entire body although still somewhat successful. It was easier to show the concept when making the photograph look elongated.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

#4 High School

For this series I focused on capturing less pop culture and it made me really think what my high school life is all about and recently its been books, studying, and lots of coffee. At Drew there is also so much spirit represented by the cheerleaders and community shown. I felt a part of an extended family. I realized that I love helping people, like I know how lame that sounds because everybody likes to help people but I genuinely enjoy the community service opportunities. I have also become more conscious of the fashion industry as an art form. As I grow older I also feel like I am more intune with the world around me, but also that I have a lot more to learn. I experienced places that are different than San Francisco like Arizona and New York.

Monday, May 2, 2011

#3 Middle School

We continued to think about the places, movies, hobbies, etc. that shaped our lives taking photos searched on the internet. Middle school is when I experienced much more freedom. I got to decide what I wanted to do myself instead of having my parent's decide for me. While I did continue to play piano, I found my passion to be for art and sports, mainly cross country with the running gags team and basketball. Being on a team I made closer friends and bonds, relying less on my parents. I was also allowed to take the bus with friends and explore parts of the city I was unfamiliar with. This was the time when I figured how much art and fashion means to me. I took my art classes much more seriously and worked hard to create and improve. These were my fun light-hearted years where I had no worries about my future, this is expressed in my trip to Mexico. I have the fondest memories of me being completely free and naive almost.