Keely focuses on close up aspects of the world. She takes ordinary photos in life and really delves into their interior depth. She makes everyday objects pop out. I love the angles she experiments with when she takes a photo of a car but part of it is blocked by another obstacle. She has a very keen eye.

Carlos's pieces are most often black and white. He has a dark humor. His photographs bring about a dark imagination. He makes eerie photos look beautiful. I love his photos of the street and empty houses, they capture a bleakness in the world that often goes too unnoticed.

Jessica has mastered Avedon style portraits, those seem to be her specialty. She is able to capture real moments that are not fake. Although she herself is a somewhat shy model, she is not afraid behind the camera. She is patient with her photography and is always there to get that one moment where the model is in their own world. Her photos are subtle in their beauty. I like how she often captures natural aspects, like soft clouds that are just so pleasing to the eye.

None of Sacha's two pictures are alike. She brings a fresh attitude when approaching each new piece, while also exploring beauty. For example her barbie doll series, which was so abstract and fun! Sacha captures many aspects of the world that are important to her. Her photographs are simple yet convey a strong message. Sacha uses vibrant colors that really pop out. She embraces life in all of her photos and each one brings a smile to my face!

Maddi takes very in the moment kind of photos because she surprises you from behind with wonderful candid shots. Many of her photos are comical with people emoting actions like roars. In all of her photos I can clearly see what the objective of the series was without even having to read the blurb, which shows true artistic growth.

Carly does a great job at following directions and really delving into the concept of the series. Carly finishes a series in such a professional manner. I think her strongest photos have been black and white with shadows. All of the shadows represent a mysterious past. She made me see the different levels of intricacy on ordinary shadows. I love the way she experiments with angles to create daunting shapes and is not afraid to crop!

Minsoo's photos are so crisp and clean. Especially his food series where I could see every detail of the tofu and where the light hits the ceramic bowls. He always pushes himself to go further and deeper going to new extremes, starting out with a basic concept and taking new risks. Like his settings with Charlie Chaplin. He always knows when to use black and white or color and I can always trust his artistic decisions. His photographs emphasize great diversity using effects to make them pop out. I love the way he can create such flow using geometric shapes and connecting lines.

Issaackkk! Welcome to Drew photography. I'm excited to see all the treasures you find in this world.